BringBack PH Logo


BringBack is a QR code sticker printing and data warehouse service. We aim to return valuable items to their original owners whenever it is lost.

We believe that every finder is a keeper of good heart! They would want to return these things to you! We deserve to get our loved items back to our pockets.


BringBack is more than just stickers; it's about redefining how we recover our valuable and sentimental possessions. Whether it's a high-end gadget or a cherished keepsake, we believe everyone deserves a simple and reliable recovery solution. Inspired by our community and fueled by creativity, we've embraced the power of QR technology to connect people with their lost items seamlessly.

Based in the bustling Calamba, Laguna, BringBack has been one of the pioneers for custom QR sticker printing in the Philippines. Our mission is clear: to provide premium-quality and accessible stickers that simplify item recovery. Our products are designed for durability, featuring weather-resistant coatings and outdoor-grade materials, ensuring they stand up to the test of time.

We were able to return loved BringBack-coded items from different people across NCR and South Luzon.